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⚠️ Obligatory Template : Guide Application

Posté par bocqueraz le 25 avril 2022 à 16:36, modifié le 01 mai 2024 à 23:26
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Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Membre de l'équipe
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
23 mai 2020

Messages postés : 666


1) Guides : 

Guides are players who have a rank that allows them to be more viewable than a "normal" player but without permission. This makes possible to help players more easily without having the obligations of a moderator, to be a guide you must be a minimum exemplary in terms of your behavior on the server but you must also know as much as possible the subtleties of NationsGlory Ruby in order to help players.

2) Comments :

Applications are serious messages, which means comments are regulated.
You can share your opinion by being in favor or not (nevertheless, neutral messages aren’t useful and supposed to be avoided).

If you are opposed to an application you must justify it. « Troll » typed comments ( like : « i’m opposed, because this player is toxic and annoying. Nah, I’m just kidding.» will be deleted. Moreover, applications aren’t a debate place, you can share your opinion while it is justified and not rude.

All useless comments will be punished.

3) Application's explanation : 

- For now you will have to obligatorily respect an application template.
- Code : Font size : 5 / Font : Arial / Staff questions are in White , your answers are in Yellow.
- To post your application you can copy the template below.
- If your application is accepted, it doesn't mean you are a moderator test. However, you can attend to the next step, which is an interview with a staff member. You will only know at the end of this interview if you are accepted or not. All interview information will be sent into the acceptance message of your application.

1.0) Pseudo IG --> Your pseudo in NationsGlory.

2.0) Age --> How old are you ? (Without liying).

3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> Date of your arrival on NationsGlory and IG Playtime.

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> Moderator test / Moderator / Super-Moderator / Administrator, if yes precise your role, how long and on which server ?

4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> In 3 sentences maximum.

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> Yes / No.

5.1) From which server ? --> Precise the server.

5.2) For which reason ? --> In 3 sentences maximum.

6.0) 4 good points --> Concrete attributes are requested, we don't mind attributes like : "my computer cost me 2000 dollars".

6.1) 4 weak points --> Concrete deficits are requested, we don't mind deficits like : "my computer is terrible".

6.2) Do you speak english?  --> Yes / No (this means you are able to write and speak to a native english person)

7.0) Your motivation --> Between 5 and 10 sentences maximum, without ligne break.

8.0) Your timetable --> During school period / and / during holidays.

9.0) Your punisher --> A screen of your punisher (or of your sanction history, viewable on your profile settings)

Cordially, The Ruby Staff.

10 5 5 5 5 5 7 5 5 5

" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 


Joueur: Depuis le 16/04/2021 --> 18/08/2021


Joueur: Depuis le 23/05/2020 --> 18/07/2020


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


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