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Mod Application - MosteKarl

Posté par MosteKarl le 07 mai 2024 à 17:46, modifié le 12 mai 2024 à 00:00 par bocqueraz
Acceptée ✔️


La douche c'est pour les faibles.
Membre de l'équipe
Modérateur Ruby
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
19 mai 2022

Messages postés : 64

1.0) Pseudo IG --> MosteKarl.

2.0) Age --> 17 years old

3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> May 2022 and I currently have nearly 30 days of inter-server.

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> Moderator test

4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> I wasn't unrank, I simply left the staff for the reason that I was at the beginning of the first day of school year and thought I wouldn't have time to stay on staff so I made the decision to leave (which I regret).

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> No.

5.1) From which server ? --> /

5.2) For which reason ? --> /

6.0) 4 good points --> 

➤ I think that first of all I'm someone who listens and is very close to people in need.
➤ My sociability: indeed I'm very sociable and therefore manage to adapt quite quickly to my sociable environment.
➤ My discretion: I'm fairly discreet, so I wouldn't publicly comment on sanctions or even communicate anything about players or even staff.
➤ My good humor: I'm someone who even in a situation where good humor isn't welcome, will be cheerful and try to make people smile. 

6.1) 4 weak points --> 

➤ Bad Player: indeed, I hate losing enormously and so it frustrates me to know that I'm losing something. 
➤ Stressed: I tend to get stressed in stressful situations or just sometimes exams or interviews.
➤ Afraid of not living up to expectations: I'm afraid of not living up to what's asked of me.
➤ Dizzy: Sometimes I can do things and so I forget things quickly and can make rapidity mistakes. I try to correct it. 

6.2) Do you speak english?  --> Yes but, I have somes difficulties

7.0) Your motivation --> So, you need to know that since 2022 I've been on NationsGlory, I started my adventure on the PINK server back in MAY 2022, and I've been able to meet several people. I started by joining the Radio at the time and continued to play on PINK. And while talking to my various friends on PINK at the time, I wondered if becoming a Moderator wouldn't be a solution to help out and thus continue doing what I love, i.e. spending my days helping out on TS / DISCORD, in GAMES etc... After that, I went to the WHITE server and became a TEST Moderator. I left after a month, due to what I thought was a lack of time... Now I'd really like to improve my English for my future studies, so I can be in contact with players and staff who speak this language. 

8.0) Your timetable --> During school period / and / during holiday
During School Period :
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday : 4pm - 12am
- Wednesday : 1pm - 12am
- Week End : 08am - 12am

During Holiday : 
- Every Day : 08am - 12am

9.0) Your punisher --> mceclip0-86f7295d3d.png

Animateur RADIO (30/07/2023 - 03/09/2023)

Parcours Français :

Guide WHITE (30/07/2023 - 27/08/2023)
Modérateur Test WHITE(27/08/2023 - 03/09/23)

English cour
se :

Player RUBY (05/07/2024 - 11/05/2024)

Moderator Test RUBY (11/05/2024 - ??/??/????)

Journalist RUBY (18/05/2024 - ??/??/????)

« Dans la vie on ne fait pas ce que l'on veut mais on est responsable de ce que l'on est. » (Jean-Paul Sartre).


Membre de l'équipe
Modérateur Ruby
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
15 avril 2022

Messages postés : 21

Posté le 09 mai 2024 à 19:17


I'm FOR your entry into the mod,

Because your timetable is good and your punisher is good you have a good motivation.

Thanks for reading ,  

 Mon Parcours NG


Helper 03/18/2024 ➜ 03/31/2024
ModTest 03/31/2024 ➜04/07/2024
Mod 04/07/2024 ➜05/19/2024
Mod+ 05/19/2024 ➜???

Ce message de RM09 a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Membre de l'équipe
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
23 mai 2020

Messages postés : 666

Posté le 10 mai 2024 à 10:58

Hello, Your application is accepted.

You are invited for an oral interview on discord for the second part of the application. (Please wait for an OP in the Staff Queue channel) or contact me on discord (bocqueraz).


The Ruby staff.

" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 


Joueur: Depuis le 16/04/2021 --> 18/08/2021


Joueur: Depuis le 23/05/2020 --> 18/07/2020


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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