⚖️ Lawsuit n°444 - Illegal claiming by moximox7 on UN ⚖️
moxymox7, BelgianEmpire and
/f f :
Reason : Illegal claiming
Your proofs (horodated) and
explication :
Chunks need to be 3x3 largers
Hello Idephix, this is regularised. Don't worry ou can do this lawsuit with your first account !
Cordialement, Megalorf
Modérateur BLUE, du 16/10/2021 au 22/11/2021
Moissoneur 1 GREEN, du 26/11/22 au 1/12/22 Moissoneur 2 GREEN, du 1/12/22 au 8/12/22 Moissoneur 3 GREEN, du 8/12/22 à 15/01/23
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