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⚖️ Lawsuit n°439 - usebug by ktm_toto ⚖️

Posté par Spacumber le 29 juin 2024 à 16:56, modifié le 01 juillet 2024 à 15:14 par Skeppy
En cours de traitement ♻️ Anti-Jeu 👁‍


Membre de l'équipe
Modérateur Purple
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Inscrit depuis le :
05 septembre 2021

Messages postés : 65

Criminal, country and /f f : ktm_toto from Altai

Victim, country and /f f : Spacumber from la Republica Dominicana

Reason : usebug pearl to save his stuff

Your proofs (horodated) and explication : https://nationsglory.fr/linkfilter/https://youtu.be/MuJZT3IQSxQ
Timecode :
00:03 : we can see that ktm_toto has a demonic sword in his inventory
00:13 : he tries for the first time to usebug through the blocks of the roof
00:37 : you can hear him say in the voice chat that "he can't pearl" through the roof
01:01 : he tries again to usebug through the roof
01:19 : he send a pearl to the roof, he will usebug to get out of the house. 
01:23 : you can hear him laugh in the voice chat even tho he is out of the house, proving that it's not a pearl that loaded. 

So for this mischievous act I ask as a compensation of the stuff we lost : his eco helmet, desh chestplate, desh leggings, eco boots and demonic sword.

¿Hay otros gitanos aquí?


Ruby Moderator
Membre de l'équipe
Modérateur Ruby
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Inscrit depuis le :
23 mai 2021

Messages postés : 149

Posté le 29 juin 2024 à 22:29, modifié le 30 juin 2024 à 09:14


According to the Codex and the Ruby's Internal Rules, this lawsuit is officially accepted.
The criminal @ktm_toto has done the following illegal act : UseBug to save stuff

Rule Reference: Codex: 1.9 ♦ Cheating (Duplication, xRay, SpeedHack, PVP assistance or any other kind of assistance, Anti-Afk, F3 entities, ...) is totally forbidden, by using them, you could expose yourself to a permanent ban on our servers. Any technique allowing to have any visibility through one or several blocks is considered as using the xRay mod and is forbidden. Also, any type of usebug is prohibited.

@ktm_toto, from altai, has to pay a fine of 20000$ and will get 3 hours of jail.
The fine will be shared : 50 % to the UN and 50 % to the victim @Spacumber from dominicanrepublic.

(/econ bank deposit UN 10000)
(/pay Spacumber 10000)
Do not forget to screen to have a proof.

The criminal will also have to refund the stuff below to the victim:

eco helmet

desh chestplace

desh leggings

eco boots

demonic sword

The fine has to be paid by the criminal within the 7 days delay (with a screen timestamped with the double F2 underneath this lawsuit), up to 07/06/2024. After this delay, the UN representors will double and take by force the fine.

The criminal has a 3 days delay to do a court of appeal, if he/she disagrees with the verdict given by the UN spokesperson. After this delay, the court of appeal will be automaticly refused.


@Cookie79, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.


Le meilleur cookie des pinkas !

Avocat pink :12/04/23 au 28/08/23

Guide pink : 20/05/23 au 03/09/23

Éclaireur pink:16/09/23 au 15/03/24

           Interne RP eclaireur pink :

      -Novice 16/09/23 au 25/11/23

      -Initié 25/11/23 au 15/03/24

Helper/Guide Ruby: 19/01/24 au 10/02/24

Moderator Test Ruby: 10/02/24 au 24/02/24

Confirmed Mod Ruby: 24/02/24 au ??/??/??

Ce message de Cookie79 a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
15 juin 2020

Messages postés : 247

Posté le 30 juin 2024 à 13:31


Firstly, we can see that the rec is not complete and that there have been some cuts. 
Furthermore, I no longer had the demonic sword (drope a mes ally pour la save).
From 6sec to 8 sec we can see that the timer on the top right changes suddenly, which shows that the rec is cut.
In any case, we can't see that I'm usbug. The fact that I was able to back is that my pearl (in the water charged while I was in the house, launching just before entering a prepearl)

and the laugh is just a visual bug when you pearl

You can verifie with the log i'didnt have demonic sword when my pearl charged


Ce message de ktm_toto a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
13 août 2020

Messages postés : 163

Posté le 30 juin 2024 à 16:00
Citation d'un message de ktm_toto


Firstly, we can see that the rec is not complete and that there have been some cuts. 
Furthermore, I no longer had the demonic sword (drope a mes ally pour la save).
From 6sec to 8 sec we can see that the timer on the top right changes suddenly, which shows that the rec is cut.
In any case, we can't see that I'm usbug. The fact that I was able to back is that my pearl (in the water charged while I was in the house, launching just before entering a prepearl)

and the laugh is just a visual bug when you pearl

You can verifie with the log i'didnt have demonic sword when my pearl charged


Make a court of appeals...

Ce message de Idephix a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.



Membre de l'équipe
Super Modérateur Ruby
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Inscrit depuis le :
14 avril 2020

Messages postés : 404

Posté le 01 juillet 2024 à 15:14

The player @ktm_toto has did a court of appeal is the lawsuit will be on Hold 


@Skeppy, SuperModerator, Spokesperson of the UN and Ruby Staff.

Ce message de Skeppy a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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