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⚖️ Lawsuit n°438 - usebug by Tiger666 on PapiFrancais ⚖️

Posté par PapiFrancais le 29 juin 2024 à 13:18, modifié le 29 juin 2024 à 22:20 par Cookie79
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Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
28 août 2021

Messages postés : 30

Criminal, country and /f f : altai

Victim, country and /f f : dominicanrepublic mceclip1-90b02b3197.png

Reason :use bug
Your proofs (horodated) and explication :he used bug to get out of the house and save his stuff because otherwise he would have died I request a refund of the stuff (st boots st helmet  ice leggings chestplate desh leggings desh demo and hermes)
If it is possible i would like to get a log request of his stuff because he would've died with all his stuff and not only the stuff that he had on him

the stuff with my pack:

ice leggings mceclip2-8262252aae.png
helmet solidetech
boots solidtech

the stuff 

mceclip5-958ed61aef.pngand the demonics sword 

from 0:00s at 0:20s the stuff and from 2:38 the use bug at 1:30
I dropped my Hermes and it was recovered



Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
28 août 2021

Messages postés : 30

Posté le 29 juin 2024 à 14:07

If it is possible i would like to get a log request of his stuff because he would've died with all his stuff and not only the stuff that he had on him

Ce message de PapiFrancais a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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