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Lawsuit #291: Usebug by _Darkox_ on LOUTIP12
Inscrit depuis le :
21 octobre 2015
Messages postés : 270
I am posting this lawsuit at the account of @LOUTIP12, who accuses @_Darkox_ of doing the following illegal act: Usebug.
He/she would like justice to be served, to prevent this from happening again and to sanction the criminal(s) for the damage caused.
The victim describes the act with these exact words:
"The play @_Darkox_ was office by a fail and open the chest i demote him and he let the chest open to recup the rocket/antimatter/ 1 Nuclear cluster"
To justify his/her claims, the victim would also like to add his/her /f f, the /f f of the criminal(s) and the following proofs:
The victim's /f f: https://sharing.nationsglory.fr/N36N4_N42_.png
The criminals /f f: https://sharing.nationsglory.fr/N36N4_N6N4.png
The given proofs: https://nationsglory.fr/linkfilter/https://youtu.be/HUBC474Vuw0
@TheKing4012, Angel of the Ruby Server
Cordialement TheKing4012, Administrateur YELLOW
Mon Parcours FR
Mon Parcours BLUE
ModoT 26/05/2018 ➜ 11/06/2018
ModoC 19/06/2018 ➜ 07/07/2018
Modo+ 07/07/2018 ➜ 15/09/2018
SuperModo 15/09/2018 ➜ 09/05/2020
Administrateur 09/05/2020 ➜ 1/11/2020Mon Parcours ORANGE
Administrateur 01/11/2020 ➜ 13/05/2022
Mon Parcours GREEN
Administrateur 04/10/2023 ➜ 21/02/2024
Mon Parcours YELLOW
Administrateur 25/04/2024 ➜ ???
Mon Parcours US
My Ruby background
Administrator 05/13/2022 ➜ 04/25/2024
Your lawsuit is refused for the following reason : there was no illegal action.
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