Guide Apllication

Posté par CreamyPeanut le 06 avril 2024 à 14:51, modifié le 24 avril 2024 à 16:31 par GaussIntegral
Refusée ❌


Inscrit depuis le :
02 août 2022

Messages postés : 1

1.0) Pseudo IG --> CreamyPeanut

2.0) Age --> 13

3.0) Age on NationsGlory --> September, 14 2021

4.0) Have you ever been in a NationsGlory's staff --> No, I haven't.

4.1) If yes, please precise your unrank / leaving reason --> ...

5.0) Have you ever been banned from a NationsGlory server ? --> No.

5.1) From which server ? --> ...

5.2) For which reason ? --> ...

6.0) 4 good points --> . Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better. I'd like to share with you why I consider myself to be a nice person. Respect and consideration are fundamental to my interactions with others. I treat everyone with kindness and dignity, regardless of their background or beliefs. I believe in the power of a mutual respect to foster a strong relationships between players. I think that's what makes a games playerbase really kind and strong. I am connected to Ruby everyday for a minimum of 3 Hours. My schedule is flexible and strechy. In conclusion, I believe that being a nice person is not just about what you do, but it's also about who you are at the core. ( wrote this in class by the way )

6.1) 4 weak points --> While I strive to embody kindness in my actions, I also recognize that I'm not perfect. I'm constantly learning and evolving. I am seeking to learn from this job and become an overall better person. I do get angry sometimes but, I am learning how to control it and last time I lost control was 1 year ago. One of my many weak points are that I have ADHD, and sometimes I get a little hyperactive when I dont take my pills. The way I could fix this problem is taking my pills but sometimes I forget.

6.2) Do you speak english?  --> Yes! I am completly bilingual in french and english.

7.0) Your motivation --> It's a platform that I deeply believe in, and I'm eager to contribute to its community in a meaningful way. One of the primary reasons I'm drawn to the role of a guide is my passion for helping others. I find immense fulfillment in supporting and guiding individuals towards their goals, whether it's in gaming or any other aspect of life. As a guide, I see an opportunity to create positive experiences for players within the NationsGlory Ruby community. Whether it's by offering assistance, answering questions, or providing tips and strategies, I aim to contribute to an environment where everyone feels supported, valued, and empowered to succeed.

8.0) Your timetable --> Im available all year long except on school days, where im available from 2:55 - 5:15.

9.0) Your punisher -->



Sur le Lime… and Ruby!
Membre de l'équipe
Administrateur Ruby
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
23 mai 2020

Messages postés : 660

Posté le 06 avril 2024 à 20:18

Hello, Your application is accepted.

You are invited for an oral interview on discord for the second part of the application. (Please wait for an OP in Staff Queue channel) or contact us on discord (bocqueraz) .


The Ruby staff.

" Parcours Francais


Joueur (Player): Depuis le 23/05/2020 -->  10/11/2021

Guide (Helper) : Depuis le 10/11/2021 --> 05/02/2022

Modo Test (Moderator in training): Depuis le 05/02/2022 --> 19/02/2022 

Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 19/02/2022 --> 13/05/2022 


Joueur: Depuis le 16/04/2021 --> 18/08/2021


Joueur: Depuis le 23/05/2020 --> 18/07/2020


SuperModérateur Interim (Interim SuperModerator) : Depuis le 04/10/2023 --> 21/02/2024


" English Journey


Modérateur (Moderator) : Depuis le 05/13/2022 --> 05/28/2022

Modérateur Plus (Moderator Plus) : Depuis le 05/28/2022 --> 06/21/2022

SuperModérateur (SuperModerator) : Depuis le 06/21/2022 --> 03/10/2024

Administrateur (Administrator) : Depuis le 03/10/2024 --> inconnu (unknown)

Journaliste (Journalist) : Depuis le 04/06/2022 --> 06/21/2022


Ce message de bocqueraz a été supprimé par le 01 janvier 1970 à 01:00 et il n'est plus visible.


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